Let’s have a look at the themes of your life, what challenges, changes and delights are on their way for this year and beyond! We peep notable transits, eclipse seasonal themes, secondary progressions, timing techniques for key dates.
Otherwise referred to as locational astrology, Astrocartography details the astrological study of the projection of a horoscope (hõra being the Greek word for time and skopos translating to that of the observer) onto the geographical outlay of the earth’s surface. Using the angular placements of the natal chart as a guide to demarcate areas of heightened planetary influence, we are able to unearth the specific flavours certain countries, cities and locales will serve you. Each planet holds a unique significance, thus representative of certain themes in our lives, and the aspects they make to the angles of our natal charts describe the conversations they are having in the realms of self, other, with our relationship to what is beneath the surface, and what is being projected out into three dimensional reality as a result of what the inner landscape of the mind-body-spirit connection looks like. Travelling, a truly Sagittarian/ninth house pursuit, opens our minds to seeing the world from a different vantage point, leading to the consideration of a previously untapped worldview, inevitably resulting in an indelible expansion of the soul.
Tarot + Pendulum divination
Have a burning question about an aspect of your life or need some general directional support? The tarot finds its roots in mid 15th Century Italy originally as a card game. In the 18th Century, French occultists
Spiritual Guidance
Advice, advocacy and tender loving care surrounding relationship dynamics.